Sunday, 2 July 2017

Separate state of Gorkhaland within India is not as big a thing as Bengalis might be thinking and trying to make

We should understand that a separate state within India is not as big a thing as we might be thinking and trying to make. Everything will remain the same. Only the governance will change.#Gorkhas are not taking the land anywhere!
We will all co-exist, walk together and work together. Adibasis, Bengalis, Marwaris, Biharis, Gorkhas, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and others will all benefit equally from the new state. We all know how the northern part of West Bengal has been neglected by the successive regimes over the years.
In fact, majority of us are open to change the name of the State and make it representative of all the inhabitants living in the new state. There is no hard and fast rule that it has to be called #Gorkhaland. We are also open with regard to the first chief can be a Bengali Chief Minister, a Rajbonshi, Lepcha, Bhutia, Marwari, Muslim or a Gorkha. It hardly matters to us.
Our Bengali friends in Siliguri and our friends in the adjoining Duars should understand this and extend their support to the movement. A new state in the region is a win-win situation for all!

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