What a sad state of affairs in the hills! Perhaps, in the history of
India Gorkhas, we are in the most confused and complex stage at the moment. The
entire Gorkhaland movement of 2017, that was so passionately supported by
the #GlobalGorkhas,
was derailed by the Gorkhas themselves back home in connivance with the state
Now, to make mockery of the #IndianGorkhas further, Mamata Banerjee comes
up with this weird idea of ‘NIJO GRIHA AND NIJO BHOOMI’ YOJANA.
Reportedly, North Bengal has 260 forest villages with a
combined population of 1.5 lakh spreading over Darjeeling (including newly
formed Kalimpong district), Jalpaiguri and Cooch Behar districts. Of the
260-odd villages, around 160 are in three subdivisions in the Darjeeling hills
representing more that 60 % of the total forest villages!
Ironically, Binay Tamang who was an
architect as well as engineer of the entire derailment plot and who currently
heads the BOA (GTA2) claimed (see the video attached) recently that he was
unknown of content of the documents that were distributed to the landless
forest villagers in the #Gorkhaland region.
He agrees that the document that gives 3 kuthas of land to the landless is
primarily meant for refugees and cannot be given to the Gorkhas who have been
residing in the region since many years. The document clearly states that the
Gorkhas who received them are resident of the area only since the date when
they got the paper/document.
Its, in a way, also funny that the state planted Head of GTA2 claims
that he saw the xerox of the given documents only the next day! How is that
possible? How come he allowed the document to be distributed among the landless
without seeing it and discussing with the members in GTT and his colleagues within
and out his party!
This is the consequence of the shameless silence of all major political
parties when Binay and Anit were busy negotiating GTA- II with #MamataBanerjee in
the later part of 2017, surrendering the popular aspiration.
No individual, political party or pressure group dared to meaningfully
oppose the arrangement at that point of time not to talk of taking over and
leading the movement. They meekly watched the unfolding development.
In addition to the acceptance of GTA2 by sold out faction of GJMM, GNLF
accepted HADC as yet another interim arrangement as against the popular
aspiration #Gorkhaland.
Had these guys, the so-called Gorkha leaders, been sensitive enough and
foreseen unfolding developments, things would have been different at this point
of time.
Unfortunately, the main concern of all the Gorkha leaders at that point
of time was to overthrow BIMAL GURUNG and they succeeded in their venture…..
but our question is at what cost?
The current state of affairs in #Gorkhaland region is, therefore, to a
great extent, creation of the Gorkha leaders and their myopic strategies…it is
also the reflection of their inefficiency and lack of coordination among
The clear winner here is none but Mamata Banerjee.
She deserves big congratulations for quelling the movement and derailing the
Gorkhas till further times, so efficiently.